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Where is the Origin?

Writer's picture: Aldeia da VidaAldeia da Vida

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

How many times have you found yourself looking up at the sky, trying to find answers to your most intimate questions? We often associate certain behaviors with our beliefs when in reality these behaviors are part of our distant genetics. This presentation explores the search for our origins and how our behaviors may be rooted in our evolutionary history.

The Search for the Origin

Look at the Sky

When we look to the sky in search of answers about our origin, we don't even realize that this movement may be linked to the fact that millennia ago we lived in groups trying to get food in the trees where we were constantly looking up. This happened for entire ages and our genetics still maintain this characteristic today.

Looking at the Ocean

Have you ever tried looking at the ocean? We forget that the sea is where practically all the bodies that have populated the earth originated, because according to the biology of evolution, our bodies came from there.


Are we really trying to find God, ETs, Heaven, spirituality… in some of our behavior? Or are we repeating genetic patterns from our origins? Far from wanting to determine what the absolute truth is, I am just trying to bring a reflection on what points we are looking at in our lives, and what are their origins?

The Ayahuasca Experience

Sense of Return

Perhaps this is the explanation for the great feeling that invades us when we live a great and beautiful experience in an Ayahuasca ceremony. Do you know that moment when you deeply feel that you have already lived that in other lives, or something that invades you with the sensation of returning to your true spiritual home at the end of each ceremony?

Connection with the Past

Well, then, it's all in your genetics. Medicines go back to our most distant past. In that past, we sat around a fire. In that past, we looked at the stars. In that past, immersed in its spiritual power, we began to unravel the codes of the spiritual world, of language, of the melody that gives birth to music, dance, worship, and philosophy through the first questions that arise in ancient times.

Layers of Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has many layers, and each layer opens another layer and so on. It is like infinity, sometimes we see what is not there, and other times we do not want to see what really is. Sometimes we get caught up and enchanted by the world of colors that it brings us, and we do not even realize that such colors can be just distractions.

The Layers of Life


Ayahuasca and its layers are great examples of what happens in our lives. Sometimes we look at a path with full certainty that we will find something, but we do not give the slightest importance to analyzing the origin of that look and also to understanding its reasons.


Perhaps we are living only one layer of this greater force called life, but it has many. We are often trapped in shadows searching for colors, in a suffocating attempt to escape the PEIA (intense moment of teachings that we sometimes go through in the force of the Uni) and so we live an almost blind struggle.


Life goes on and, in addition to not understanding the origin of things, we also miss out on other, deeper spheres of our own existence, because we think that everything can be summed up in a single layer, like when we focus only on the colors of the force without understanding that it goes beyond that.

Final Reflections

Origin Value

Uni comes from the origin. Understanding and feeling this origin when we are in front of a fire to the sound of sacred music, is of great value in our lives because it allows us to observe the spheres of this existence.

Start over

Through this we can start over when possible, knowing that just as colors steal our attention, shadows do too, but they are not the end, they are the beginning of an infinity of possibilities.

Destiny vs Origin

Just like the sky, which may even be our destiny, but perhaps was not our origin.

By Leo Valente - Aldeia da Vida / Village of Life ♥️

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