Strengthen your spiritual studies
The Aldeia da Vida's mission is to serve and strengthen self-knowledge through ancestral medicines in spiritual ceremonies and retreats.
Ancestral Prayers
& Songs
Traditional Rituals
& Cerimonies
Sacred Forest
& Medicines

"...the biggest North-Northeast reference in ancient traditional immersions that welcomes indigenous leaders and people from all over the world in its space, which has a forest area, river and large places for open-air ceremonies."


Founded in 2019 by
Leo Valente & Isa Santos
Together, working side by side and tirelessly, strengthening the strength of the forest and valuing all the sacred ancestral knowledge of medicines that heal, transform and inspire people to live with more balance, joy and love. With roots in Camaragibe in the state of Pernambuco, Aldeia da Vida is today the greatest reference in ancient traditional practices in the north and northeast of Brazil. There are 72 months, + 250 works + 10 major immersions between festivals and retreats totaling more than 20 thousand people in person and more than 100 thousand impacted through social networks.

Principles & Values Cultivated at AV
We recognize that spiritual study is limitless and there is always an opportunity to deepen our self-knowledge. Within the spiritual works facilitated by Aldeia da Vida, each person is responsible for their own study and choices, and therefore the AV offers equal opportunities to all.

Consecration of
Sacred Medicines
Ayahuasca tea is a great ancient Amazonian medicine that is made with two plants: the Uni vine (Ayahuasca) and the Kawa leaves (Chacrona). The consecration of these sacred medicines must be done with respect and humility, always within a serious and responsible spiritual study.

Yawanawá Mutum
Village Alliance
Since its launch, the Aldeia da Vida has been blessed by Matsini Yawanawá, the teacher and spiritual leader of Aldeia Mutum. Our partnership, study and conduction of spiritual works within the Yawanawá tradition is done according to the teachings passed directly by him.
Daniel A., São Paulo, Brasil
"...muito bonito ver como Isa, Léo e toda equipe são verdadeiros guardiões e estudantes dessa cultura. Com eles, me sinto seguro e em casa..."
Lucas Q., Recife Brasil
"A Aldeia da Vida pra mim não é apenas um local, um espaço, um centro. A AV é onde consigo me conectar com meu ser da maneira mais pura possível..."
Gabi M., Califórnia, EUA
"...eu faço da Aldeia da Vida uma grande aliada nessa minha caminhada de auto-conhecimento, como uma sala de estudos sobre o grande universo espiritual..."
Rejane P., Recife Brasil
Eu recomendo a Aldeia da Vida a todos que desejam conhecer a cultura [indígena] ou iniciar sua jornada espiritual com responsabilidade, segurança e amor.
We are very proud to be able to receive people from Brazil and from different parts of the world here in our space. This gallery symbolizes a small sample of the memories that we keep in our hearts that motivate us to continue serving you with great joy! Ihuuuuu!